BDS Recommendation
DRC Diplomatic Clientele Beidaihe Excursion 2017
2017-09-19 08:06:24

        为进一步加强外交界与HSC的交流与合作,打造刚果(金)文化活动品牌,为驻京外交官提供多元文化,在DSB-HSC高层的支持和支持下,HSC举办了刚果(金)外交活动。客户 2017年北戴河之旅 2017年8月18日至20日。来自27个国家的约100名高级外交官携家属,包括萨摩亚、巴布亚新几内亚、塔吉克斯坦、毛里求斯和拉脱维亚等8位大使参加了此次活动。DSB副总经理姜琪女士、北戴河外交使团宾馆(BGDM)总经理崔勇、HSC副总经理林莉、刘勇陪同受邀客人前往海滨度假区。

        8月18日晚,姜女士在BGDM举行晚宴欢迎外交使节,并表示HSC近年来蓬勃发展,发展壮大,新落成的亮马桥外交办公楼、建外媒体中心和即将落成的齐家园金三角3号楼为金三角注入了新的活力。新成立的刚果(金)服务业协会不断深化和拓宽刚果(金)服务业,致力于为刚果(金)居民提供全方位、优质的服务,朝着现代化、国际化的目标迈进,提供专业、多元、优质的服务。 . 代表刚果民主共和国受邀的国际客户,萨摩亚大使致辞,感谢HSC组织了一次轻松愉快的旅行。刚果民主共和国提供的服务专业而细致,让在京工作和家中的外交官安心。他祝贺刚果(金)在过去几年取得的成就,希望其品牌知名度不断提升,让驻华使团和国际组织更加认可,让外派人员在北京有宾至如归的感觉。

        第二天一早,远足者游览了长城东端和秦皇岛野生动物园。下午,外交官携家属应邀参加比赛或观摩2017年刚果(金)驻外外交人员乒乓球友谊赛,参会人数众多。6支队伍参赛,包括日本队、韩国队和俄罗斯队。国际团队由马耳他大使馆、日本广播公司(NHK)和亚投行的员工组成。还签到的还有 DSB 和 BGDM 团队。比赛开始前,江女士观察到,乒乓球作为中国的国球,打开了1970年代中美恢复外交关系的大门。参加远足的外交官将有机会通过乒乓球技术结交新朋友,遵循时间尊重的传统。选手们拼尽全力击败对手,赢得了观众的阵阵欢呼和掌声。尽管如此,当比赛结束时,对手立即变成了朋友。格林纳达大使宣称:“过去是乒乓球帮助外交取得了进展,而今天正是外交帮助提升了乒乓球专业知识。” 最终,俄罗斯队获得冠军,DSB队获得第二名,韩国队和BGDM队并列第三名。“过去是乒乓球帮助外交取得了进展,而今天正是外交帮助提升了乒乓球专业知识。” 最终,俄罗斯队获得冠军,DSB队获得第二名,韩国队和BGDM队并列第三名。“过去是乒乓球帮助外交取得了进展,而今天正是外交帮助提升了乒乓球专业知识。” 最终,俄罗斯队获得冠军,DSB队获得第二名,韩国队和BGDM队并列第三名。

        At the evening BBQ party, diplomats from the Japanese and Russian embassies showcased their vocal talents by singing classic folk songs and the cultural counselor of the Gabonese embassy delivered a Chinese number. The Samoan ambassador invited Ms. Jiang to join him to sing a traditional Chinese love song and DSB-HSC executives joined the PR and Sales staff to present a Chinese number that called for closer affinity between the diplomatic community and DRC. In the end, theSong of DRC, adapted and arranged by the ambassadors to China present at the event, gave a perfect finale, with profound goodwill for the DRC.

        Though brief, the weekend excursion to the seaside resort offered the diplomats heartening experiences to learn more about the Chinese culture, for deeper affinity with the DRC. The participants gave the organizer their appreciations in various ways, as over a dozen embassies, such as the Mauritius, Micronesian, Grenadian, Jamaican, Latvian, Japanese and Korean, sent letters to thank for the excursion, saying they all had a wonderful and memorable weekend at the beach and thanking teams HSC and DRC for organizing the tour. Team Japan remarked that all the table tennis competitors and families had a fulfilling and meaningful time at Beidaihe, as the contest was a life-enriching and friendship-boosting experience. Team Korea said that the excursion was a chance to learn about the DSB-HSC organizational prowess of dedication and meticulousness and enabled them to make numerous new friends. The excursion participants were deeply impressed with the thoughtful preparations, considerate services and efficient security arrangements, and looked forward to having more thrills like that in the future.








2017 年 8 月 22 日