BDS Recommendation
The Groundbreaking Ceremony and Roadshow of the International Club Building Successfully Held
2016-01-08 15:29:35

On the morning of November 6, accompanied by the first winter snow in Beijing,the Groundbreaking Ceremony and Roadshow of the Beijing International Club building was held. Nearly 200 people attended the event, including Mr. Qian Hongshan, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs,leaders of relevant departments of MFA, all the BDS leaders,  diplomatic envoys from Argentina, the Philippines and other countries,as well as the club's shareholders, client representatives and representatives of the construction company.

The Groundbreaking Ceremony and Roadshow of the Club Building began with the promotional video, followed by the speech delivered by Mr. Yuan Weimin, Director General of the BDS, on behalf of the BDS and the club's shareholders. Mr. Yuan highly praised the outstanding contribution made by the Club to China's diplomatic cause since the founding of New China, and said that the construction of the building of the International Club marked the entry of the Club in a new "golden era" and that its construction would further develop and complement the existing Club facilities so as to better serve the diplomatic cause of China.

Zhang Lijian, Chairman of Board and General Manager of the Club, also gave a speech. He expressed his sincere gratitude to the leaders of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the BDS for their support for the construction of the Club building. He also stressed that, being environmentally-friendly with dignified elegance, the International Club Building would complement the existing facilities of the Club, perpetuate the Club’s fine tradition and serve as a new icon on the Chang'an Avenue.

Gustavo Martino, Ambassador of Argentina, and Dai Binbin, Chairman of Board of the Beijing Construction Engineering Group, on behalf of the diplomatic corps in China and construction companies respectively, expressed their sincere congratulations on the start of construction of the new Club building.

Finally, Assistant Minister Qian Hongshan and Chairman Dai Binbin jointly unveiled the foundation, and it was under the auspices of the happy snow announcing a good harvest and with the good wishes for the future that the ceremony and roadshow ended.

