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北京外交人员人事服务公司 > 职工园地 > 学习天地 > 时事词汇 一

时事词汇 一

  1 市场多元化战略  the strategy of market diversification
  2 坚持科技兴贸   to emphasize the export of technology
  3 加强对外贸易协调
   to improve coordination among foreign trade entities
  4 努力打破贸易壁垒 to strive to break down trade barriers
  5 制售假冒伪劣产品 to produce and market counterfeit and shoddy goods
  6 非法传销   pyramid schemes
  7 商业欺骗行为   commercial fraud
  8 打击偷逃骗税    to crack down on tax evasion
  9 洗钱   money laundering
  10 政府投资责任追究制度 the accountability mechanism for government investment
  11 社会信用体系建设   the system to ensure credibility in society
  12 信用市场监督管理体系 the system for overseeing the credit markety
  13 失信惩戒制度    the mechanism for penalizing those who lose their credibility
  14 加大整顿和规范市场秩序的力度
  to intensify our efforts to rectify and standardize the market order





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