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北京外交人员人事服务公司 > 职工园地 > 学习天地 > 时事词汇 二

时事词汇 二

  1. “十一五”时期经济社会发展的指导原则和主要目标
  guiding principles and major targets for economic and social development in the 11th Five-Year Plan period
  2. 经济增长速度问题  the economic growth rate
  3. 关于节能和环保问题 energy conservation and environmental protection 
  4. “十一五”时期的战略重点和主要任务
  strategic priorities and major tasks during the 11th Five-Year Plan period
  5. 建设社会主义新农村 to build a new socialist countryside
  6. 加快推进经济结构调整和增长方式转变
   to accelerate economic restructuring and change of the pattern of economic growth
  7. 促进区域协调发展 to promote balanced development among regions
  8. 着力增强自主创新能力 to strive to increase our capacity for independent innovation  
  9. 深化改革和扩大开放 to deepen reforms and open further to the outside world  
  10. 努力建设和谐社会 to work hard to build a harmonious society  
  11. 加快推进行政管理体制改革 to accelerate reform of the administrative system.  
  12. 进一步转变政府职能 further transform government functions  
  13. 继续推进政企分开
   to continue to separate government functions from enterprise management  
  14. 齐齐哈尔第二制药有限公司 Qiqihar No.2 Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd  
  15. 亮菌甲素注射液 the Armillarisni A injection
  16. 假药 fake drug; bogus medicine
  17. 乙二醇 glycol
  18. 肾衰 kidney failure
  19. 胆结石 gallstones
  20. 胃炎 gastritis


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