  • 外交公寓咨询


    咨 询
  • 使团招聘咨询


    咨 询
公车司机 苏里南驻华使馆
工作城市:北京 工作年限:
最低学历:不限 职位月薪:5k-10k
开始时间:2018-10-31 结束时间:2018-11-14
  • 职位描述
  • 机构介绍

Recruitment of the Embassy of Republic of Suriname


Positions职位空缺:  Embassy Driver (one position)  公车司机  1
The starting salary of this position is RMB6000___before deduction of social insurances and taxes. 本职位的起始月薪是税前人民币_6000_

Responsibilities 职责:

1.   负责驾驶使馆的公用车 To drive official vehicle

2.   确保乘坐人员安全To ensure the safety of passengers in the vehicle

3.   必须严谨遵守中国交通规则和法律To be compliant with China's traffic rules and regulation

4.      英语口语基本流利 To speak English basic fluently

5.   负责保持公务车处于良好运作状态To ensure the official vehicle is properly maintained and in good working order.

6.   负责并且维持车辆行政事宜,包括填写车辆使用记录,停车费、加油记录等等 To update the entries in the Vehicle Log Book and Vehicle Maintenance Book and.

Qualifications 要求:

1.   必须是北京户籍  Must hold a Beijing household registration

2.   没有刑事犯罪记录Have no prior conviction of criminal offence

3.   至少高中毕业At least highschool education qualifications

4.   持有C1本驾照,至少五年驾车经验且无不良驾驶记录 Holds a valid C1 Driver License, with a minimum five years driving experience and good driving records

5.   熟悉北京市或各区、县交通路况Be familiar with Beijing streets and traffic conditions.

6.   能够加班Willing and able to work overtime

7.   必须有医生证明通过健康体检Must go through health screening and certified to be in good health

有意申请者请提交个人中英文简历(附上彩色近照一张)。请在邮件标题中注明“申请职位和申请人全名”,按如下格式:全名 – 申请职位。只有入围者将被通知参加面试。电话咨询恕不受理。
Please email your CV along with a recent passport size photo to the addresses indicated below. The email title should be YOUR FULL NAME – POSITION. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified to take the interview. Phone inquiries will not be entertained.



